EVM Explorer - Tracking Smart Contract Transaction Data

We are excited to announce the release of EVM Explorer, a powerful, open-source web interface designed to streamline the exploration and analysis of blockchain data. Utilizing the BlockScout API and viem library, EVM Explorer enables users to delve into transaction patterns and user behavior across multiple EVM chains.
What is EVM Explorer?
EVM Explorer, a custom open-source web interface to collect data with the help of BlockScout API and viem library to explore transaction patterns and user behavior.
EVM Explorer is a versatile tool that simplifies the process of exploring and analyzing smart contracts. With its intuitive interface, users can access detailed information and statistics about smart contracts, token balances, transactions, and more.
Discover and track EVM smart contract data
Search, Discover, and Track contracts by their address on 8 EVM chains: Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Base, Mode Network, Zora, Redstone, Polygon, and Arbitrum.
Simply paste the contract address, select a network, and click the Submit button to view transactions.
After you click the submit button, you will see transactions.
Users can view the 50 latest transactions associated with an address, including their receiver, sender, contract method called, eth or matic value, fees, and the gas used.
- Fees: display gas fee cost in USD.
- Transaction Method and Type: colored to reflect the mix of coin transfer, token transfer, and contract call
Key features:
- Balance
- Hash
- Block
- Timestamp
- Method Call
- From
- To
- Gas Used
- Gas Price
- Value
- Fee
- Result
In addition, for smart contracts aggregate data should also be available:
- Number of Transactions
- Number of Token Transfers
- Average Gas per Transactions
- Gas Usage
Transaction page
Block number, transaction type, receiver, contract method call details, sender, gas used in USD, and token transfers details.
Blocks page
Block miner and date. Aggregate data for total Gas Usage, Trasactions count, and Average Gas per Transaction. Display all the transactions in the block with their receiver, sender, gas used, and value in USD.
- Number of Transactions
- Number of Token Transfers
- Average Gas per Transactions
- Gas Usage
Explorer Page
Explorer Page contains links to popular sets of smart contracts:
- Compound
- ERC20
- TokenSets
- Uniswap
For instance, clicking on ERC20 will display detailed information about ERC20 contracts and networks.
Copy token data as an image
Selecting ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 token contract will lead you to a page with an easy to copy and export data as text data or PNG image with just one click.
Available data:
- Contract Name
- Token Name
- Number of Contract Name
- Token Name
- Number of Holders
- Price for one token in USD in USD
- Uniswap best price fetch
- 24h Volume
- % of circulating market cap
- Contract address
- Block Number Timestamp
- Chain Id
Example of Copied PNG Image
We value your feedback! If you have any suggestions for improving our platform, please join our Discord channel or reach out on Twitter.
Dive into the world of EVM data with EVM Explorer and make your blockchain exploration more efficient and insightful.